9 Keyboard Windows 10 Shortcuts for Highly Productive People | hiTech Computers
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9 Keyboard Windows 10 Shortcuts for Highly Productive People

April 7, 2020


There are hundreds of Windows 10 keyboard shortcuts, but these nine are the ones that will kick your productivity to another level.

Are you a highly [...]

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How to Optimize Marketing for Your Sales Cycles

September 27, 2022


Selling is cyclical. The process tends to follow the same set of steps, and it is repeated with each batch of prospects. And in the B2B space this cycle can last months, as business owners and finance [...]

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HiTech with its partners providing encompassing IT solutions

March 4, 2024

HiTech Computers is your trusted partner for comprehensive IT

                In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses must navigate a myriad of technological challenges to stay competitive and efficient. At HiTech Computers, we understand the importance of crafting a [...]

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Navigating the Windows 10 End-of-Life Horizon and what it means for your Business

March 12, 2024

As technology continues its relentless march forward, lifecycles inevitably reach their conclusion.  Windows 10 a reliable and hardworking Operating System that has powered businesses for years, is approaching its End-Of-Life (EOL).  We will explore what Windows 10 EOL signifies and why it demands careful consideration and proactive planning for [...]

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Comprehensive Services to Protect Your Business

May 30, 2024

In the IT world today the stakes on cybersecurity have never been higher. As businesses navigate a digital landscape filled with challenges, the role of a Managed Service Provider (MSP) is evolving to become a comprehensive security partner. What are comprehensive services and why does your business need them?

Comprehensive services offer a holistic approach to threat management that [...]

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24/7 Network monitoring

June 21, 2024

Why is Network monitoring a crucial shield for your business? The pulse of your business often resides in the network infrastructure. 24/7 network monitoring should be utilized to keep your digital infrastructure at peak performance by deploying agents that continuously scan your digital landscape for potential threats and disruptions. This preemptive step allows real-time alerts, which flag [...]

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